BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 VBScript API Reference | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Understanding the TeamWork object model > About the Document object > The Document object methods > MoveTo method

MoveTo method

Moves the current document to the specified folder.

MoveTo(TargetFolder As IASFolder3, [Options As Long = 0])
Name Description


An object that represents the folder to which to move the current document object.


Optional long integer that represents one or more AS_MOVE_OPTIONS constants.


This method does nothing if the document already resides in the target folder. This method does not support Field-Path definition levels.

If this method is used in event procedures such as DocGenericEvent_AfterNewDocument, an unhandled exception Cannot delete a relation. The object is already being edited by another session can occur. This can happen if the folder to which the document is being moved is locked, such as by another new document wizard in use by another user at the same time. To work around this problem, you can configure the default location of document copies as described in the BlueCielo TeamWork Configuration Guide.

Related concepts

About the Document object

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